Who am I? (really)

English and french author.Regular updates, hopefully fun stories! Stay tuned ;)

How / When did you start doing all that?

I’ve been writing and drawing stuff since I was… Six or seven years old?

For the longest time I kept it to a hobby. I think I was scared of having to ‘become good or die’ at something I really liked (competition isn’t my strong suit). Now I’m done being scared. Comes as a perk for growing older, sometimes. So let’s build wonderful worlds together and see what happens!

Thanks for reading me!

What’s going on for now?

Well, I got two books written in the first half of the year 2017. I still call them drafts because that’s what they are, but I need to take a break from writing for now, so I’ll go back to comics instead with a new story starting on October 8th.

It’s gotten tough to write because I currently have a job where I write all day, so… ;)

Later in the year I’d love to go back to writing with a novel in french, I’ll see how that goes.

I will take suggestions on what projects to pursue.

I’ll try to find a time and maybe reserve two to three month to review each of my first two books before publication, but I don’t know when that will be. Over all things, I don’t want to overload myself and give up, so pacing is important and plans will change over time. :)

Stay tuned!

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