Oct 24, 2017 : An update on The Usual Stars chapters

Just a quick notice: some of you might have seen delays in the first few chapters of The Usual Stars, scheduled to be published on a Sunday.

Frankly, this is a new thing for me, and I have very little room for mistakes. For two weeks straight, I’ve been having really busy week-ends and it’s the time where I plan to do most of the works on these chaps (I have a day job, 40 hours a week). That said, yesterday I was ready to deliver, just the last page missing — then I realized how late it was.

The point of doing this, for me, is to do it consistently, to find a rhythm and settle in it. If I burn myself out in three chapters, I’m not getting a story and neither are you. So until I get how this works, there might be delays on the scheduled publications, but I’m still trying to reach that Sunday every other week thing. I thin it’s doable, in time.

But it’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon.

This week’s chapter should be out tonight, only one page left to draw. In the meantime, have a sneak peek!

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