Over & Done With
38.75k words in 32 chapters, updated on Jan 01, 2017.
completed novel
- #1: Bottled Up
#2: A Good Setup
Andy, a professional killer and his teammate and driver Spanky have been shaken by their latest job, which did not go as expected.
#3: Liquid Dreams
In the aftermath of their last failure, the mobsters Andy and Spanky take a break to drink and talk.
#4: Out of Shape
After a failed job, professional mobsters Andy and Spanky drank themselves to sleep in their car, talking about how their lives led here.
#5: Crazy Talk
Going from bad to worse, Andy and Spanky forgot they had a body in the trunk. They safely managed to bury it at last, but a voice comes forth. Were they not alone?
#6: One-Way Trip
Andy finally snapped and wants out of the criminal life. Spanky agrees and wants them to make their getaway together.
#7: Makeovers
Andy and Spanky are on the run. Where should they go from here?
#8: Money Speaking
Andy just found out that Spanky is almost out of money: not the best context to make a getaway. He gets mad and goes shopping for necessities on his own.
#9: Too Soon
Spanky wants to be called Joshua now so the mobs they left behind don’t find them again. Andy is worried that Josh is not taking this escape to Spain seriously enough.
#10: Disconnected
After a day that felt like a camping trip, Andy managed to scare Josh into being more serious. They are preparing to cross the channel.
#11: Falling Apart
The tensions don’t get much better between Andy and Josh. Andy seems to rely quite heavily on the bottle.
#12: Puddles
It has been weeks since they came to France, and things have changed. Andy has hit rock bottom through alcoholism. He wakes up in a tiny house and tries to get over the pain.
#13: Thinking Back
While alcoholic Andy can’t seem to get a grip, Josh has found a job as a home helper for an old English woman living in the french countryside. He comes home knowing what to expect.
#14: No Quick Fix
Andy and Josh are stuck in the French countryside, Andy because of his rampant alcoholism, Josh because he doesn’t want to give up on him. What could have led to this situation?
#15: Friendly Stranger
Back when they journeyed across France, Andy and Josh’s van quickly broke down. They entered a pub, not knowing what to do next.
#16: Getting Rusty
After their van broke down under a pouring rain, Andy and Josh took refuge in a pub, where an old English-speaking lady told Josh where he could find some help. They go together.
#17: Hired Help
When a mechanic pronounced the van dead, Josh knew that they were stuck there without money. Ms. Giraud, English-born elderly woman, may have a solution.
#18: Food for Thoughts
Andy may be a drunk mess, but Josh isn’t ready to give up on him: it’s time to save his old friend.
#19: Sinking In
Josh has high hopes when he gets Andy to talk about his problems, but nothing seems to keep him from drinking.
#20: Nothing to Lose
With a peek into the dark history of Andy, we know he would need special attention to even start addressing his issues. Josh seems to have a plan, though.
#21: A Fork in the Road
Things are looking up for Josh and Andy, out of a slump that lasted month and left Andy weak but somehow more in tune with himself.
#22: Lonely Freedom
Josh stayed behind with Ms. Giraud, but Andy had to get a move on and let the past rest. He’s finally driving towards Spain.
#23: Play Along
Andy, out on his own, has picked up an instrument. Going at his own pace, he travels through Spain.
#24: Winter Times
Andy has gotten a new friend, Alicja, a musician. They decided to travel together for a while.
#25: Power Play
While Andy and his new friend are on a Spanish busking tour, Josh gets ready to welcome Ms. Giraud’s son for a Christmas visit. She warns Josh her son can be rough around the edges.
#26: Crushing
Ms. Giraud’s son thinks she should be in a nursing home. Also, he seems to be a douchebag.
#27: Directions
Alicja has failed courting Andy, who’s simply not into romantic or sexual relationships. A good talk seems to ease the tensions between them.
#28: Over the Border
Andy seems to have found his calling when he and Alicja meet some people living in a farm outside Granada.
#29: One Last Stop
Josh has left for Spain because Ms. Giraud is getting to old to live on her own. He plans on visiting Andy, who has found a fulfilling lifestyle at a countryside farm.
#30: The Forgotten Appointment
Josh is visiting Andy on his Spanish farm, but he doesn’t seem to have noticed that someone is following him.
#31: Old Ways
Damian, a member of the organisation Josh and Andy left, has found them. Andy has given him a time and place to hopefully talk things out.
#32: Look Again
Andy goes to see Damian alone, but how can he settle the situation when he can’t even protect himself anymore?
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